Wednesday, July 17, 2013

♥ Quick Update ♥

I took a little bit of a break from active posting, as some of you may have noticed. But I'm back for good and I have been planning a TON of cute posts for you guys, related to makeup, fashion, movies, books, wish lists, gift ideas, everything! I wanted to come back strong and I'm ready to have a great blog!

So since it's been awhile I figure I would give you guys a little update!

I got a job at McDonald's! It's honestly such a fun place to work! Sometimes it get's a little stressful, but I feel like every job has it's ups and downs and my great coworkers really make everything worthwhile. I work in service, so I take orders at the front counter and from the drive-thru, along with bagging food, making fries, preparing coffee/smoothie drinks and ice cream, and just generally keeping everything stocked, clean, and ready for customers!

My senior prom came and went! I had a blast with my friend, her date, and my date. We got pizza downtown Olympia and got frozen yogurt for dessert! (We also jammed Miley Cyrus' album Breakout on the way there) I never really was into dances, but I'm so so so glad I got to go to my senior prom, it was so fun and memorable, and all those catty girls I had to deal with the last four years weren't so catty. Senior year, senior prom, and the senior trip was all so laid back and chill and fun. No drama, just good vibes! I definitely recommend taking part of your senior activities, it's so much different than every other year!

I started a writing blog (inbetweenarms). I love writing, and I get so sad sometimes that I just want my head to explode to get everything out of it. I have realized that writing is my creative outlet and I will continue to write when I feel inspired!

Another big part of my life was graduating high school this last month! I ever thought I would see the day that I got to walk up in front of everybody and get my diploma. It was so surreal! It felt long overdue, but in the end it all felt like perfect timing, like it was finally my time after all of these years! If you've graduated, you know how I feel, but if not, you will see soon and you will just feel so accomplished and proud of yourself. I could go on forever.

And... drum roll please.... I finally found the perfect boy!
His name is Brandon, and we met through mutual friends/instagram. We went to the same venue for shows, but we were both too shy to talk to one another! Through mutual friends and instagram we started talking and we both knew right away that a relationship was a good idea for us! I've waited patiently for the right boy to come along, and of course that happens right after I finish high school! I'm so happy for my friends in relationships, and so happy that I'm finally in one. The perfect person really does come around when you stop looking! Just let things happen and things will fall into place. Being with him is surreal, he is really my dream boy. I finally get to show off how great of a girlfriend I can be!!

Alright, that's all for now. I'm going to be posting every other day at the LEAST from now on, and will be making up for it in an extra blog post if I forget! Thank you so much for sticking around even though I haven't been posting! Talk to you soon!

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