Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cheap Jewelry Essentials!

Hello cuties!
This post is gonna be all about cheap jewelry essentials! I like cute earrings and necklaces but I don't like spending a lot on them because a lot of the time, there are cheaper versions of expensive things and let's face it, when a $25 necklace breaks it's gonna suck a lot more than a $5 necklace breaking! All the jewelry here is under $10. I chose these items because I think they're very versatile and can be worn with many different things! A main reason I don't buy "themed" jewelry is because I like to dress up all kinds of outfits without having to buy a TON of jewelry! I hope you guys like this post! 


Cute, plain colored studs are a must! Pick a few in basic silver, black, white, and gold for starters, and then move on to finding cute colored studs or different shapes that are easy to tie in with your wardrobe.

And of course, we need a some dangled earrings to dress up a little!

Don't forget about hoops! I love them and feel super sassy when I wear them. I have short hair, and some friends think I look silly when I wear hoops but I think it's cute and I embrace it! 



All of these are from Forever 21!
They also have a ton of cute rings and bracelets for close to nothing, too!

This is just what I personally think is versatile with my clothes, so make sure you get stuff you will wear more than once and matches your unique style!
I hope you liked this blog post!

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