Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cold and Flu Season

It seems that this time of the year, EVERYONE is getting sick.
In this post I'll be giving you tips on how to prevent getting sick and some tips on laying low and getting to feeling better if you've already caught a nasty bug!

Keeping Healthy!
Washing and Sanitizing Your Hands
To keep from getting a bug, number one is washing and sanitizing your hands! Schools and colleges don't wash off tables often (lunch or classroom), and kids sneezing or coughing leaves germs on the table you sit at later in the day! Keeping a cute sanitizer in your backpack or purse is a great idea! This way, when we touch our face during the day (which is a no-no, but of course happens) we aren't getting the sicky germs our hands came in contact with.

Here are some super cute and yummy smelling sanitizers from Bath and Body Works! They are all under $2.00!

They also sell a variety of super cute holders that attach right to your purse or backpack!
Sharing Drinks

It seems like common sense, but a lot of us share soda and juice with our friends. Your friend may not seem sick, but it just may not have kicked in yet, and you could drink off of her bottle and get sick not too long after her! We shouldn't ever share drinks (though most of us do!) but cold and flu season is a sure time to make sure you bring a water bottle of your own! It's also well known that drinking a lot of water is much better for your body, so keep it with you!

Taking Vitamins
Make sure you take all of your vitamins! I know it seems like an "old person" thing to do, but it's very important. There are many different types of vitamins you need, but getting a bottle of Multi-Complete is best or us teenagers! In one pill you get all you need, instead of having to buy all sorts of vitamins! Another good one to get would be Hair, Skin, and Nails. It promotes good skin, hair growth, and strong and healthy nails, so picking up that one won't hurt!

Feeling Better!
Drink Water, Lay Low
Stock up on water, and MiO if you don't like the plain taste! Lay low and watch movies, take lots of naps, and play fun games on your phone to keep yourself from going crazy!

Eat Right
My go to cold meal is chicken noodle soup and throughout the day I make warm tea! For sore throats, broth is the best and very soothing. When I have a tummy ache, I get saltine crackers and 7-up! It sounds crazy, but that's what my Daddy got me when I was little and I still get it now! Something about it soothes the ache, and 7-up and saltines are yummy anyways so it works out!

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