Away With Internet
Today I took the big step of deleting my Tumblr, which I've had for going on 5 years, and my Facebook, which I've had for almost as long. A lot of people will gasp at that, but there is a life out there just waiting for you if you step away from the computer. All these people you meet and internet friends you make aren't right there next to you in real life, and if they really wanted to be, they could be. So what's the point?
We have cell phones. We have phone numbers. We have addresses.
Why is it necessary to post every aspect of our silly lives on the internet for everyone to see?
The people we care about and who care about us will know what's going on. Why do need everyone from our schools and our childhoods and our friend's other friends seeing what is happening in our lives?
And liking things on FB, and blogging about them, it just shows the entire world what you are.
I think all in all, it's so much more fun to just have a little bit of mystery. Get to know people, make friends, hell- fail at making friends. But that's what life is about. Getting out there and doing rather than sitting.
And I'm not saying I'm giving up the internet. I still have this blog, twitter, and pinterest.
This blog doesn't take up too much time, unlike Tumblr, which everyone becomes completely addicted to. And I find Pinterest very useful, again, it doesn't share every aspect of your life and doesn't become addicting (to me at least). I find recipes, craft ideas, DIY ideas and fashion inspiration on there, so I can actually use that site to do things and actually spend my life LIVING instead of glued to a computer. Twitter, I hope to delete, but as of now I don't have the heart to. Then again, deleting the app unglues me from Twitter, and it also doesn't take much for me to get side tracked and not tweet all the time. I mostly use it when I'm completely bored, and the number of tweets I tweet per day has gone down crazy amounts in the last few months, so all in all I think that's okay to have, if I don't let myself become crazy about it.
Computer's just take up so much of our valuable time.
I'm taking up my time now just writing this.
I just want to get up off of my butt and start living.
Go swimming, go for a hike, take photos, grab coffee, pack a picnic, ride bikes, go on an adventure, just take advantage of all the things you could be doing but don't do. It's so much more fun and worth it.
I'm taking up my time now just writing this.
I just want to get up off of my butt and start living.
Go swimming, go for a hike, take photos, grab coffee, pack a picnic, ride bikes, go on an adventure, just take advantage of all the things you could be doing but don't do. It's so much more fun and worth it.
You know those days where you just hang out with people and it's sunny and you're driving to the river blasting your favorite music and singing along loudly and laughing? That's what life is about. Those moments.
You remember those moments. You don't wan't to have nothing in your memory other than the dark blue dashboard screen of Tumblr, do you? I mean, hey, it's up to you.
So next time you post on your Facebook about what's gone on that day or what's on your mind, just think, you could be writing in a personal journal to get your feelings out there and not get judged or have the world that doesn't need to see your personal life see it. You could do that, then go bake cookies or have a movie night with friends.
I promise, when you start living your life outside of the internet, you will feel so much better and will eventually look back on your life thinking "Why on earth did I ever waste so much time doing nothing?"
Okay, end rant. I hope this may help one person see that life is out there waiting to be lived.
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